Instructions - Please select the sessions you attended and plenary sessions. CEUs will be awarded only for those sessions selected. A certificate of attendance will be sent to you showing the number of credits awarded for the conference. Please evaluate the session using a scale with 1 as poor, 2 as fair, 3 as good, and 4 as excellent.
August 18, 2021 12:30pm - 2:30pm - Presentation A - 2 CEUs
Presenter(s): Jenenne R. Valentino-Bottaro, PhD LMHC
Healing HeArts- Providing a Framework to Develop movement, rhythm and Animal Interconnected programs to establish better health outcomes for individuals living with cancer
Breakout Session A - 1.5 CEUs
Presenter(s): Tiffany Cappelen, LCSW
Communicating Bad News & Intro to Hospice End of Life Discussion
Breakout Session B - 1.5 CEUs
Presenter(s): Azra Camacho, LCSW
Collaborative Teamwork: Multidisciplinary Team Approach in Radiation Oncology setting